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Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Now that was BADASS!!! Time to show all these idiots who is the real Genius here.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Yup, and then opens the plot for more confrontation from the little sore loser prick who couldn't take his loss like a man and got butthurt ending up physically hurt trying to rage attack because he got embarrassed smh. Now the opponent nutsack hugger sect leader wants to force the MC to apologize for defending himself lol, wtf smh. Welp, guess he's made more enemies, no biggie, what's one more meager sect going to hurt, just another addition of footstools to use to increase his strength. Though this time it's a "noble" so it adds a bit more drama.

lemonade • 1 year ago

As expected being cocky will get you nowhere than getting your butt whooped and giving back to you lol 😂

Luke W • 1 year ago

"Who do you think you are?"
"... I'm the country bumpkin that just wiped the floor with your genius? He attacked me after he lost, if course I defended myself, is that a crime?"

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Before even watching, lol. This same 3 fights pattern in chinese novels is soooooo... boring after you watch same thing for umpteenth time. There is always one arrogant and overbearing guy, one arrogant fairy (who later wags tail around hero) and a hero who is considered too weak and unnecessary, And order is always the same... arrogant guy, fairy, hero

Arrogant guy loses, fairy wins, hero solves the situation. Fairy starts salivating over the hero.... boooooriiiiiiing

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Ok, slight correction. At least there was personal grudge involved and fairy wasn't waging her tail and salivating, so whole thing was only 90% copy/paste

TaliZorah2311 • 1 year ago

because creativity is not their strong suite so they spew the same thing over and over tn hopes they can milk this cow indefinitely but i hope ppl will start getting sick of it so they will be forced to actually put some work into these shows

TaliZorah2311 • 1 year ago

i forgot to add that anime altho allot better they still suffer from the same issue with all these isekai/harem they keep spewing with no signs of getting over it but at least they have an excuse.. their industry is allot older so coming up with new and original stories is that much harder.. honestly its a sad time to be an old time anime fan that has seen pretty much everything at least slightly worth the time.. now im forced to watch cr@p like this for no other reason than literally running out of things to watch

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Anime used to be better until 2005-2010, But, that is not the case anymore. These days 99,999% is either complete crap (full of pointless loli fan service crap) or pointless milking the cow where even previously decent series turned shit (bruh, Boruto. One Piece, Detective Conan...). or even worse... dog shit slow releases (Made In Abyss for example... if the manga release keeps slowing like it is, there is a good chance end episode will be in 300 years). Barely any anime even reaches conclusion as it is, they all get cancelled along the way... or people responsible die, get sick or arrested because the story was not something they could chew in 30 years since everyone seems to hopes on making lifetime blockbuster)

In last 2 years at least for me they released 3 watchable series. Everything else didn't even pass 3 test episodes without me almost puking my guts out,

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Can you expound on the last sentence of the 1st paragraph about some being arrested because the story wasn't something they could chew in 30 years & lifetime blockbuster??

TaliZorah2311 • 1 year ago

Ho hell i cant disagree on that one.. im a One piece watcher from the very beginning and i simply hate it now i still watch it but when the outcome of a fight just takes 1 year to get here its a "bit" too much.. just a tiny bit. That being said lucky for us chinese animations got some traction and some of them are quite good.. repetitive and unoriginal but good.. this is a pretty good thing tbh.. the japanese barely had any competition so there was little reason for them to step up their game. i've heard koreans can make good animations too so here's hoping

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Well, 1 year 2 months and 1 week (64 episodes) long single fight from Goku/Freeza in Dragonball Z is waaaaaaay more horrible. When you consider that sometimes they just stood like statues and pumped power for 2 episodes or more and most of the rest of episodes were like two picture swapping animation and yelling. And when you consider that shit was 1 episode per week... that is fucking child abuse, lol. I can't even imagine their faces each time with 0.0' eyes after realizing fight hasn't ended yet. Someone should definitely report them and lock the studio people for their crime.

For me it all started with Caesar tongue sticking stupid laughing monologues which could last whole fuckin' episode. I had to force myself to watch it. Then it got even worse with Big Mom and somewhere around 900+ I just couldn't stand it anymore.

As far as repetitive goes... Detective Conan is even worse. That shit has more episodes than One Piece, dammit. And in 1100 episodes main plot progressed like nowhere... there isn't even 40 episodes on that. Everything else is a fuckin' boring repetition.

Or Bleach... people waiting 10 years to see conclusion. That will be one helluva cold shower. Last arc in manga is sooooooo... bad, pointless, nonsensical. I mean 90% of the time MCs are not even present and in 9.9% of the rest they are having traumas just for story to end with one giant rushed WTF while story before barely progressed anywhere.

Or Boruto... seriously... current manga content is less than 30 episodes and everything else is boring forced filler written by complete amateurs.

The only 3 good animes this year were My Dress-Up Darling. Yofukashi no Uta and Isekai Ojisan. Funny thing, not one of those are my usual genre, lol

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Well hopefully I don't make these mistakes in mine, I plan to turn my books into anime/movies, tv series, then comics so it's going to be a long ride. But I've been learning what I like and don't, what to do and not to do, which I'm actually grateful to the good and the bad.

Now I'll tell you, hopefully I make something that even you can like (at the least, if not love) because if I can win you over, then my work is done aha. You're a harsh critic and hard to impress so I'll definitely be looking for your critics lol.

TaliZorah2311 • 1 year ago

lol im so glad i gave isekai ojisan a chance i did not expect to like it or even tolerate it haha as for the other 2 maybe later when there is a drought

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Well, I can tell you this. I absolutely hate vampire anime, because japanese have so badly fucked up view on that it makes my head spin. But, this one is just awesome, maybe even better than Isekai Ojisan.

Dress up... I can tell you "I FUCKING HATE ROMCOM!!!" and yet, this anime is just awesome. Probably better than the other two

TaliZorah2311 • 1 year ago

i think i've seen a few vampire anime that were actually good.. but they are really old so im sure you've already seen them.. been such a long time since i've seen them i might aswell rewatch them cause i dont remember much about them other than the fact that i liked them

s00mebody • 1 year ago

If I guess correctly... Hellsing, Blood, *something*princess and the likes. Yea, they were good, but it isn't pure vampire shop (guns, swords). Yofukashi... is a pure vampire show with really good story and fucked up people (they are fucked up in a way of uncle from isekai ojisan without sense of human communication)

Bruh that's the deal with arrogant smog think they run shit, cause they come from a noble family background. This man got his ass whooped, but since he now " ass hurt" cause he got dog pissed on by a " nobody" he want go another round, and still got dog shit on aww now he got hurt, but MC went to far and should apologize for this man arrogance SMH. noble jerk privilege.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Typical "Swords have no eyes, so don't blame me... unless there is money or background involved"

Eternallygr8 • 1 year ago

Why is this show still going on here when the series has already gotten over months ago?

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Usually, those finished soon have horrible translations full of penguins, snacks, dancers and so on while those with at least readable translations show up later

Mark Sixx • 1 year ago

This guy looks like Qin Cheng seriously